Funny Wannabe Astronauts Visiting My Blog

Checking my blog stats I’ve had over 70 visits from people clearly also filling in their ESA Astronaut Application form. What they are searching for is funny though, here’s the list in descending order of frequency:

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in your opinion, what are the main tasks that should be performed by an astronaut
in your opinion, what are the main tasks that should be performed by an astronaut?
what are the main tasks that should be performed by an astronaut?
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You can see that a lot of people were stumped by the question about what are the main tasks that should be performed by an astronaut? I suppose that’s understandable, it was one of the questions that I thought about most myself. I think that the majority of people will answer this along the same lines, so I’m quietly hopeful that my answer will be unusual enough to merit some attention.

But what really suprised me was the first question peole searched for: why do you want to become an astronaut !!! You’d kind of think that anyone applying to become an astronaut might have figured that one out already and not need to look up someone else’s answer! Perhaps the competition isn’t going to be that tough after all. 😉

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