Zone Diet Monthly Update – Half a Stone lost in a Month

7 lbs lost this month!

Last months Zone Diet weightloss update I was at 13 st 8 (190 lbs / 86kg). This month I’m down to 13 st 1 (183 lbs / 83kg). Whereas in October I lost 2 pounds only, this month it’s 7 lbs (3kg). Interestingly though, my body fat percentage is still 18% according to the Zone Diet book charts.

The reason is that I’ve lost another half inch off my waist, now down to 36.5 inches, and whilst this pushes me left another column on the chart, I also move up a row due to the extra weightloss, and this maintains the 18% body fat percentage. The upside is the next 1/2 inch lost should drop me 2% points.

So why did I lose 2 lbs in October and 7 lbs in November? What changed? What did I do different? How did I more than triple my previous months weightloss?

The answer is I did exactly what I said I’d do: cut back on the wine. Ok, it’s not quite been the tea total affair that I’d planned, but certainly not drinking (mostly) during the week has made a big difference.

The second change was I went back to weighing and measuring. It seems that over time, portion sizes miraculously change in your head. For stuff you like, the sizes slowly creep up, an ounce of cheese becomes an ounce and a quarter, then an ounce and a half. So every few months, it’s a good idea to recalibrate yourself by checking the things you’ve become accustomed to measuring by eye.

Clearly December is going to be a challenge what with Christmas coming, but I aim to get a head start by doing the best I can for the next 3 weeks before Christmas. If I lose another 2 lbs and drop into the 12 stone range, I’ll weigh less than I have for about 10 years!

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