Olympic Weightlifting Video from last weekend

I got a better extraction of the video footage from the Olympic Weightlifting mini-competition at West Wythenshawe 2 weekends ago. I didn’t have video of everyone lifting this time so have put together a 5 minute video of mostly just my lifts.

Whilst it feels somewhat narcissistic to study footage of myself lifting weights, it does expose several issues still with my technique. As I mentioned on the video, I’ve changed my style for both the Snatch and Clean in the last few weeks.

Specifically for the Clean and Snatch, about a month ago I really started to concentrate on hitting the bar with my thighs on the way up. This helps to really “get the hips in” as they say and promotes full extension of legs and body. Then 2 weeks ago I changed the Snatch again to try to hit the bar off my stomach, rather than the thighs. This is a bit tricky as I have got longish arms and, not to put too fine a point on it, there are things that are best *missed* on the way up, if you see what I mean?

So at the moment I am striving for consistency most of all. Currently every lift feels different from the last, and until I can get that consistency, it’s hard to work on the finer changes to technique. I do also have a reasonable list of things that I think need fixing:

  • Full extension, evidenced by a slight backward lean at the top of the pull.
  • Jumping slightly back on the landing (only an inch) not forward.
  • Minimising the dip on the Jerk.
  • Keeping arms straight, i.e. no early arm bend.

I still plan to enter the Northern Masters competition in February 2009, which is an official qualifying competition for the British championships in March 2009 at Lilleshall. In order to qualify, I need to lift a combined total (best Snatch + best Clean and Jerk) of 175kg. Considering that video shows me lifting 147kg, I have some way to go!

However I believe I am currently limited by my technique, rather than my strength. I can Front Squat 120kg for example, so I have the strength to clean that, it’s my technique that stops me. I’m aiming then for a 75kg Snatch and 105kg Clean & Jerk. That will give me 5kg spare to play with.

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  • Jane Holgate 14 October 2008, 4:04 pm

    I am sure you’ll get the 175kg qualifying weight Col – you’ve got a few months to work up to it – see you at the Northern!

  • Colin McNulty 15 October 2008, 6:36 am

    Cheers Jane. The jump from 147 to 175 seems like a lot. But going from 60 – 75 snatch and 87 to 100 C&J doesn’t seem undoable.

    Next time you get a BWLA Masters newsletter can you let me know please? I still haven’t received anything about it.

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