100 Inverted Burpees – For time

I was browsing the main Crossfit.com site at lunch time and the workout for last Saturday was:

– For time: 100 Inverted burpees

I’ve never heard of inverted burpees before and they look like an interesting thing to try (click image for the big version):

Inverted Burpees

“The Inverted Burpee: starting supine, kip (or sit-up and roll) to standing, kick-up to handstand. This burpee derivative involves similar amounts of work and greater skill than the traditional burpee.”

So I tried them tonight. That’s the great thing about Crossfit, there are plenty of times you don’t actually have to go to the gym to do the workout, I did this on the landing at home! After the first 10, you soon realise it’s going to be a slog. My time: 21:35

As I was at home, I decided to check my heart rate recovery. When I first started exercising about 30 months ago now, I recorded what I was doing, what my heart rate was immediately after “exercise” (really it was just a warm up back then, and what it was again 10 minutes later. Here’s what I did on the 15 October 2006, 2 rounds of:

  • Samson Stretch
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 Supermen

My heart rate immediately after was 140, and ten minutes later was 112.

Now today, that “workout” was what I did for the warm up for my 100 inverted burpees!  Anyway, after the upside down burpees I immediately took my heart rate, which was 132.  Note that I counted 33 beats in 15 seconds.  The reason I did this was, as I continued, I counted 63 beats in 30 seconds.  So in just that extra 15 seconds, my heart rate has already dropped by 3 beats.  If that makes sense?  Actually I’m not sure which measurement is the correct one, anyone?

The 10 minute mark also saw a drop, at 92 beats, a full 20 bps less than when I started.  That’s tangible

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Nick Longworth 22 April 2009, 1:06 am

    Seriously? That looks insanely fun.

  • Colin McNulty 22 April 2009, 9:13 pm

    Surprisingly, if you’re not used to them, the handstands almost get easier. Doing 100 in a row, your skill increases pretty quickly.

  • Steve J 23 April 2009, 4:41 pm

    Best done on an empty stomach though eh?

  • Colin McNulty 23 April 2009, 8:00 pm

    Oh yes, definitely! Also I discovered the day after that I’ve slightly bruised the back of my pelvis… that will be coming down to lay down.

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