There was in interesting article published by the BBC recently, entitled: Shoes may have changed how we run. (There’s an interesting slow motion video there showing barefoot heel striking! Worth a watch.)
The basic premise is that use of big heel padded trainers have promoted the heel strike style of running and that naturally we’re not meant to run like that. This is of course exactly what the Pose running technique espouses. If you want to know what the pose running method is, try running 400m barefoot on concrete. If you heel strike, you’ll soon stop!
The principle is that your foot is a natural spring and cushion for the impact of your foot landing on the floor whilst running. But this only works if your foot can flex. This means you have to land with the ball of your foot, i.e. the pad behind your toes. This allows your ankle joint to flex out the impact. Landing heel first destroys your natural suspension, jars your leg and is the cause of typical running injuries like shin splints and dodgy knees etc.
So, if modern day running shoes with their thick heels promote an unnatural and dangerous running style, what shoes should you wear? I was soooo close to buying some Vibram 5 Fingers:
But sadly, I don’t have the right shaped toes to fit properly. However everyone I know who’s bought a pair, think they are the roxors! 🙂
So I’ve been on the hunt for other “barefoot running” type of shoes, and would welcome any recommendations? I’m quite looking forward to the TerraPlana Evo Barefoot Running shoe out in a month or 2: